Don’t let your life be defined by limiting beliefs and programming, change the program, change your experience. And, first and foremost, remember who you are, a spiritual being having a human experience!

2024/2025 Calendar of Events

December 4th – 6th 2024Online workshop – Level 1Live Online via Zoom
January 31st – 2nd February 2025Basic In-Person workshop
February 5th -7th 2025Online workshop – Level 1Live Online via Zoom
February 14th -16th 2025Basic In-Person workshopBirmingham
March 14th – 16th 2025Basic In-Person workshopGlasgow
April 25th – 27th 2025Basic In-Person workshopDublin
May 2nd – 5th 2025Master Facilitation In-Person workshopLeeds
June 6th – 9th 2025Master Facilitation In-Person workshopDublin
July 4th – 6th 2025Basic In-Person workshopNewcastle
September 12th – 14th 2025Basic In-Person workshopLeeds
September 26th – 29th 2025Master Facilitation In-Person workshopLeeds
October 3rd – 5th 2025Basic In-Person workshopDublin
November 7th – 9th 2025Basic In-Person workshopBirmingham

PSYCH-K® Foundational Workshops 2024/2025

The Advantages of attending a PSYCH-K® in-person or online workshop

These are the two foundational courses in learning PSYCH-K® –

PSYCH-K® Basic in-person workshop

PSYCH-K® Online Workshop – Level 1

These two workshops are designed to meet different needs, you will find descriptions below of what you will learn by attending each workshop, so that you can identify which one best meets your own needs.

PSYCH-K® Basic in-person workshop:

  • Provides an in-person format for those who prefer a physical in person experience when learning.
  • Experience the power of ‘group synergy’ and the inspiration of working with others, while also learning to enhance your own life.
  • You will learn how to facilitate PSYCH-K® with both yourself and others.
  • You will learn two change processes, called ‘Balances’ that allow you to change limiting beliefs.
  • You will also learn how to use one of these Balances to change the perception of stressful and traumatic events that may be limiting your sense of joy and peace in your life.
  • You can also use this Balance to transform fear or anxiety based in the past, present or future that is limiting your life in some way.
  • You will learn how, besides serving yourself, you can serve humanity in a powerful, simple and effective way.
  • On completion of the Basic in-person workshop you will be able to access other PSYCH-K® in-person workshops: Advanced Integration Workshop and Master Facilitation Workshop. On completion of the Advanced Integration Workshop you can explore both the Health & Wellbeing Programme and the Divine Integration Retreat.

PSYCH-K® Online Workshop – Level 1

  • Provides an online environment where you can learn from the comfort of your own home.
  • You will learn how to facilitate PSYCH-K® with yourself, (using several different self-muscle testing techniques) learning how to be the best YOU, you can be!
  • Enjoying the workshop from home, you will save time and money as you will have no additional expenses such as accommodation and travel.
  • You will learn one change process, called a ‘Balance’ that allows you to change your own self-limiting beliefs.
  • You will also learn how to use this Balance to change the perception of stressful and traumatic events in your life that may be limiting your sense of joy and peace. As well as how to transform fear or anxiety based in the past, present or future that is limiting your life in some way.
  • In a video presentation by Dr Bruce Lipton Phd you will learn the science behind PSYCH-K®
  • You will learn how, besides serving yourself, you can serve humanity in a powerful, simple and effective way.
  • Following completion of the workshop you will have access to other PSYCH-K® Online Workshops. PSYCH-K® Online Workshop Level 2 is the next step if you would like to explore PSYCH-K® further. PSYCH-K® Online Level 2 will give you additional tools to allow you to facilitate PSYCH-K® with others and offer Online or phone sessions. Please note that the PSYCH-K® Online Level 2 workshop does not teach you how to facilitate PSYCH-K® with others in person.
  • If, on completion of PSYCH-K® Online Level 1 workshop, you would like to access the PSYCH-K® in-person Advanced workshops you must first attend the Basic In-Person workshop. Please check with your Instructor if they offer a transition price, which acknowledges that you have completed the PSYCH-K® Online Level 1 Workshop.

PSYCH-K® Online Workshop – Level 2

  • Adapt what you learned during the Online Workshop – Level 1, extending your scope of practice when working with yourself and now, with others at a distance.
  • Learn surrogation so you can offer distance sessions, via internet video or phone.
  • Transform the perception of stress into a state of peace with a Partner.
  • Discover and Balance spiritual messages that may be present in situations and challenges.
  • Understand how to work with secondary gains at a deeper level
  • Conduct effective and dynamic online video sessions from start to finish.
  • Conduct effective and dynamic phone sessions from start to finish.
  • Benefit from the Balances you facilitate with others and that they facilitate with you.
  • Resolve occasional exceptions to the Balance processes.
  • Expand your facilitation skills based on helpful feedback after each session.
  • Develop a personalised core-connection statement describing your role as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator.
  • Use the designation of PSYCH-K® Facilitator and be listed on the international PSYCH-K® website as a ‘PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator’, if you so choose.
  • Step confidently onto the road of mastering the fine art of facilitating PSYCH-K®!

In preparation for the workshop, you will receive the PSYCH-K® Online Workshop – Level 2 Facilitator’s Manual which is a valuable resource for understanding and facilitating successful private sessions.

After the workshop, you will be invited to attend a post-workshop call and receive a document with additional information on subjects such as marketing, how to conduct an effective presentation of PSYCH-K® to groups and organisations, the dos and don’ts of conducting private sessions, and much more.

PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop

This is the foundational course for all of PSYCH-K® . It addresses a broad range of challenges and opportunities. For some people, this is all the PSYCH-K® they will need to manage the “speed bumps” of life. This workshop is a prerequisite for all other PSYCH-K® workshops.

What you will learn in the workshop:

  • How to communicate with the subconscious mind, using a unique muscle testing protocol.
  • Two different processes for changing subconscious beliefs, i.e., the New Direction Balance and the Resolution Balance.
  • How to create well-formed and compelling Goal Statements to enhance any area of your life. Creative ways to create Goal Statements that take you in the direction you want to go.
  • Differences between the subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind and the role of each in changing limiting beliefs.
  • How to facilitate belief changes with yourself and others.Here’s how you can benefit from attending this workshop…ALIGN YOUR BELIEFS WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF NATURE
    Tap into the Wisdom of Nature to create sustainable joy and happiness in your life.

    Release subconscious resistance to experiencing your connection with Divinity.

    Create beliefs that support you in having healthy, loving relationships.

    Reduce ‘emotional stress’ and program your body/mind for optimal health and vitality.

    Resolve painful memories and find greater peace and happiness.

    Replace old attitudes about money and change self-limiting beliefs about financial prosperity.

    Increase your self-confidence and willingness to take positive and decisive action in your life.


*FREE – Discovery Webinar*

You’ve read the books, watched the documentaries, listened to the podcasts and scrolled on social media for hours for inspiration and yet nothing changes.

You see others changing and yet can’t seem to achieve the same results for yourself and you find yourself asking why.

Imagine if change could be easy, fun and achievable!

We’d love to invite you to watch our Free Discovery Webinar. 

Join us to find out more about:

  • The importance of beliefs and the powerful impact they have on every single aspect of our life.
  • Why it’s so difficult to make long lasting changes using affirmations, willpower and repetition alone.
  • How to gain clarity about what it is that you really want to experience instead of your current challenge/s. – We’ll take you through an exercise to do this. 
  • And more..

Click on the link to access the Free Discovery Webinar

Following the in-person Basic Workshop

you can begin to explore the Advanced in-person workshops.

PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop

If you enjoyed the Basic Workshop and want to learn more about how to deepen your skills, then the Advanced Integration Workshop is for you. This course is recommended especially for those who plan to work more extensively with others, either personally or professionally. Prerequisite is the Basic Workshop. Here’s how you can benefit from attending this workshop…

  • Core Belief Balance- This process addresses 13 ‘Core Beliefs’ that often keep us from tapping our full potential in life. It is a general belief change process that prepares the mind/body system for accelerated change.
  • Belief Points- You will learn to use 12 ‘energy points’ on the body that are derived from ancient acupressure points. Each point represents key beliefs that give you valuable information about how you are limiting yourself in a given situation. These points make beliefs easy to access and easy to change, usually in a matter of seconds!
  • Life Bonding Balance- The ‘trauma of birth’ and the ‘fear of death’ are two powerful aspects of human experience. This Balance utilises breath as a means of re-programming the negative impact of these influences in our lives. By directing the breath back and forth between two power points in the body, you will learn to transform stress associated with the birth and ‘death’ experiences.
  • Surrogate Balancing- A possibility for ‘change at a distance.’ Surrogation works with a substitute person for muscle testing and balancing, in the absence of the person for whom the change work is being done. Surrogation can be used to help friends, relatives, and even your pets!
  • Relationship Balance- This balance will help you transform personal issues with others and better understand the lessons to be learned in the relationship. It will provide a clearer perspective on the value of relationships between parents, children, partners, friends and colleagues.
  • Rapport- You will learn how to create a deep sense of trust and safety with others in a matter of minutes, making it easier to identify issues that may otherwise be difficult to acknowledge and change.
  • Energy Focusing- A safe and effective process that allows you to focus energy to a Belief Point in order to change subconscious beliefs quickly and easily.
  • Energy Circle- An extraordinary experience in the utilisation of group energy focusing. It’s your opportunity to feel the awesome effects of concentrated, unconditional love!

PSYCH-K® Master Facilitation Workshop

You do not have to attend the Advanced Integration Workshop to participate in Master Facilitation Workshop, although if you have attended the Advanced Integration Workshop, or plan to, you will still receive significant benefits from what we have to share in this Workshop, regarding the art of facilitation.

Note: This is not a course for developing PSYCH-K® as a business. If that is your interest, it will be imperative that you study and learn more about owning, starting and running a personal service-based business.

You will learn how to:

  • Develop a personal “core-connection” statement about PSYCH-K®
  • Surrogate your Partner for long distance sessions.
  • Discover spiritual messages that may be present in challenging situations.
  • Conduct effective and dynamic private in-person sessions from start to finish.
  • Conduct effective and dynamic telephone sessions from start to finish.
  • Conduct effective and dynamic video sessions (Skype, Zoom etc) from start to finish.
  • Personally, benefit from Balances you facilitate with others
  • Deal with occasional exceptions to the Balance processes, and handle muscle testing challenges.
  • Step confidently onto the road of mastering the art of facilitating PSYCH-K®!

In addition to these skills, you will receive a Facilitator’s Manual that will give you a source for additional information on subjects such as marketing, how to conduct an effective presentation of PSYCH-K® to groups and organisations, the do’s and don’ts of conducting private sessions, and much more.

Completion of the Advanced Integration Workshop

allows the opportunity to attend the Health & Wellbeing Program and also the Divine Integration Retreat.

PSYCH-K Health and Wellbeing Program

“The active ingredient in mind/body healing is belief.”

 — Robert M. Williams, M.A. Originator of PSYCH-K®

This Program is for PSYCH-K enthusiasts, both professional and non-professional, who want to learn how to achieve and support optimal health and wellbeing, using a non-medical model. The course is designed to develop one’s ability to address the underlying beliefs that limit wellbeing or may impair physical healing — that is, to go to the psycho-physical/spiritual source of the problem rather than remain at the level of the symptoms.

This Program has 4 major components:

  1. A Balance to align subconscious beliefs with those of longevity and good health, as extrapolated from the Psychoneuroimmunological (mind/body) research.
  2. An action plan to help bring the new potential into manifestation.
  3. A Balance to experience a life free of previous health and wellbeing conditions, with a process to re-perceive the past circumstances associated with the condition/s at the subconscious level of the mind, thereby creating a new set of “epigenetic signals” to the cells of the body. By creating this new set of mind/body signals, it is possible to change current conditions/biochemistry at the cellular level, in order to promote excellent health and wellbeing.
  4. A discussion and practice of several methods of interviewing, to elicit potential “messages”  (meaning) and any possible growth opportunities related to a particular health-related condition.

The requirements for the Program are a completion of the Basic and Advanced workshops, a working knowledge of the Advanced Balances, in particular, the Core Belief Balance, and the Life Bonding Balance. It is recommended, but not required, that one have: clinical experience of some kind; a referral source of people with undesirable physical conditions; and a practice setting that allows muscle testing and office visits of at least 45 to 60 minutes.

This Program is for:

Doctors, nurses, homeopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors, osteopaths, therapists, psychologists, life coaches, massage therapists or others who see people with medical issues health and wellbeing concerns. The designation of PSYCH-K® Health and Wellbeing Facilitator is given.

Be advised that the Health and Wellbeing Program does not provide licensure of any kind.

The Program does not purport to teach one to diagnose or treat any illness. The purpose of the work is to address beliefs and attitudes that may be related to, or correlate with, underlying illness in a health and wellbeing condition. It is possible that some people experiencing this work are completely relieved of their problems. Or, their mental or physical conditions may be ameliorated to such a degree that they become more amenable to conventional treatment. This work is an ideal adjunct for any clinician endeavouring to create a more holistic practice, integrating mainstream medical practices with this complementary approach.

Divine Integration Retreat

What can you expect from attending the Divine Integration Retreat?

  • Recognise and experience a direct connection to your Higher-Self
  • Change limiting beliefs about your own divinity
  • Experience group synergy of Divine Consciousness
  • Discover your true nature as a spiritual being having a human experience
  • Learn to see the divinity in others
  • No tuition fee

Divine Integration Retreat

The singular purpose of this Retreat is to provide participants with both recognition, and a direct experience of the Divine essence in each of us. It is inclusive of all religious and spiritual orientations. The Retreat provides an opportunity to identify and change any limiting beliefs about one’s own divinity. In the culminating experience of the Retreat, the effect of group synergy is used to create an energetic environment in order to generate a personal experience of one’s own divine connection. In the tradition of “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” this experience leverages group dynamics to facilitate a field effect in which each person can benefit from the power of the group in this state of divine coherency.

The more of us who recognise our true spiritual nature, the more of the Source of All That Is,  will manifest in the world. It is PSYCH-K®’s way of nurturing sacred global evolution. There is no fee for the Retreat, although you may make an anonymous donation if you wish. Because the Divine Integration Retreat builds on processes and experiences from the Basic and Advanced PSYCH-K® Workshop, completion of both Basic and Advanced Workshops is required before attending the Retreat.