PSYCH-K® Group Mentoring Program for Facilitators.
If you’ve been wondering whether now might be a good time to revitalise your PSYCH-K® offering, or if you’ve perhaps been considering taking the leap to offer PSYCH-K® to clients for the very first time, there’s never been a better time to take that leap!
So many people are struggling in these challenging times of change and PSYCH-K® is such a wonderful process that can help and support them through it.
From a bigger picture perspective we have never been in a more crucial time as we experience the labour pains of transition, while getting ready to birth a better future.
Many of us are feeling called to help and support on an even greater level than ever before.
If this is your goal, it’s useful to recognise your own personal blocks that are holding you back from taking your PSYCH-K® facilitation further . As we grow, develop and even thrive through personal changes ourselves, our PSYCH-K® offering can grow and flourish alongside us.
Therefore it’s often necessary to consider our own personal growth alongside growing our business and to identify and work through our own blocks to facilitating PSYCH-K® professionally, as well as exploring how we’d like to serve in a way that is healthy for all. It is just as vital for us to support ourselves as it is to support others.
If this is something that resonates with you, we’d love to support you on your journey, offering you a space to explore your PSYCH-K® Facilitation business, while creating a healthy work/life balance so you can enjoy life too.
Having a space where you can share your challenges, reflect on the way forward and Balance any blocks you come up against can be invaluable…
Our intention is to create a space where you can safely and confidently explore what it means to you to be a PSYCH-K® facilitator and then, ultimately, have the confidence in yourself to go out into the world as the most exquisite PSYCH-K® Facilitator you can be.