PSYCH-K® is a process that allows you to quickly and easily identify and change subconscious beliefs that may be limiting your full potential in life.

Sharon Lock M.L.C.H

Sharon Lock PSYCH-K®Instructor – Leeds

Sharon is passionate about supporting people to achieve optimum health and physical and emotional wellbeing, with the right mindset in place to support that goal. Her mission is to help people to harness the power of their minds and specifically the brain, (backed up by the most up to date neuroscience research), in order to help them to break through barriers to achieving their goals and to becoming the best expression of themselves they can be.



What is PSYCH-K®?

The subconscious mind can be like a minefield of limiting beliefs and outdated ‘programs’ that are no longer worthy of who you are, and who you are becoming. These limiting beliefs affect all aspects of your life including; your relationships, self-esteem, financial prosperity, career choices, even your health and fitness. PSYCH-K® has the ability to help you clear a safe path through those ‘roadblocks’ to a new place of expanded potential in every area of your life.


PSYCH-K® Workshops

Imagine being able to take control of your own life by changing the limiting beliefs that hold you back, into empowering beliefs that help you to create a positive future.

Our beliefs can affect health and body image, self esteem, personal power, finances, spirituality, confidence,  our ability to relax, our relationships and much, much more.



“Sending so much gratitude for all the insanely (in the best way) important and empowering skills and information you shared over the weekend. PSYCH-K’s ethos and message is so powerful and beautiful, and you completely embody it. It is clear. I couldn’t have had a better instructor.”

“Thanks for the session, that was the deepest session I have ever had and the most profound. Today has been somewhat dreamy but nice, none of the old feeling are present and I feel super efficient and getting lots done. I noticed a difference in my mannerism straight after the session and continue to notice small changes. There is definitely a new conversation happening and I will keep you posted as to how that develops.
Once again thank you, you are an amazing spirit and I’m glad I have had the opportunity to work with you.”

“Sharon has honestly helped me resolve so many issues I’ve lost track! She is extremely intuitive, having the ability to ‘see beyond’ the basics of an issue; and I don’t know of anyone more thorough or giving. And when you’re in need, I don’t have to tell you how valuable it feels, having someone like this on your side. Sharon is the only person I trust with my emotional wellbeing…. I simply cannot recommend her enough.”

“Hi Sharon, our session was really useful today. It was so good that we went to the hotel and had a meal, I felt great. We went to our room, I had a bath and I lay on the bed and started reading, that was at 11.45pm and the next thing I knew it was 8.10am in the morning. For 48 years the most sleep I have had is 3 hours and I slept for 8 and a half hours. Malcolm said he would not have believed it if he had not been there himself. My children do not believe me! Thanks Sharon.”

“I can’t think of a more transformational workshop than PSYCH-K®.
Sharon is a beautiful soul, who brings out the best in me.. Her teaching skills verge on the supernatural.
She takes time to explain, time to ensure everyone understands before moving on and she checks on everyone’s experience – a model teacher!”

“I was amazed by the clarity and ease in the way the material was put together and delivered with expertise and care. 5 star learning! The best delivered learning program I have been on so far.  Thank you.”

“Unprecedented workshop aftercare!
I have never had so much attention after the end of a course.”

“Thank you SO, SO much for all your help and for today’s session – it was amazing. It’s such a pleasure to work with you, and you’ve managed to clear the beliefs that I was trying to get rid of for such a long time.

It’s already made such a difference to my emotional state, and the idea that these positive thoughts are in my mind all the time makes me so happy.  Can’t wait for the next session!”

It’s hard to know quite where to start when trying to explain my journey with PSYCH-K® so far. The word ‘wow’ is the first that comes to mind. 

It’s fair to say that I’ve spent my whole life searching for something that can help to facilitate deep and profound change, both in my professional role as a Clinical Psychologist, and also personally. During this search I have stumbled across many approaches that were effective to some degree, but my experience with PSYCH-K® absolutely blew me away; it really is another level. 

After going through a series of highly stressful life events several years ago, I experienced a breakdown in my physical health that brought me to a complete standstill. After much reading, I came to realise that I had been running largely on outdated programming and living in a state of fear. Following months of soul searching I stumbled across many spiritual teachers, whose teachings gently supported me to find my way out of what I now call ‘the fog of fear’ that I had been blindly wandering through my whole life. 

At some point on this journey I came across PSYCH-K®. I’d heard of it before, but this time it kept popping up absolutely everywhere in my life. I eventually took the hint, and my partner and I decided to do the Basic Workshop with Sharon.

From the very beginning of the workshop I felt a sense of ‘coming home’ to PSYCH-K®. Sharon is such a warm, approachable, compassionate and giving person – we felt immediately welcome and at ease in her presence. Everything about the PSYCH-K® approach resonated with me – it is so deeply profound and respectful; it is both gentle and immensely powerful. In the Basic Workshop I was still struggling with some remaining stomach issues, and I worked with this condition throughout the three days. I went from being unable to eat any acidic or hot foods, to guzzling coffee throughout the workshop and enjoying a spicy curry on the second day – astounding!

I have now done all four PSYCH-K® workshops, and each one has blown my mind more than the last. I see PSYCH-K® as a deeply beautiful and sacred gift, which I now use with myself every day to speed up my own evolution. Straight after the Basic I also started facilitating sessions with my family, friends and clients – I love how sessions are so beautifully simple, and how they can also often be a lot of fun! The more I use this approach, the broader my perspective of life seems to become. For me PSYCH-K® absolutely was the missing piece/peace in my life – thank you Rob Williams!

This was my second Basic workshop with Sharon . I thoroughly enjoyed it and still found that I learnt something new.

I love the space that Sharon creates in the workshop, everyone is made to feel safe and the energy in the room is great.

Sharon is one of the most kind, caring and compassionate people I have ever known, it’s always a pleasure to be in her presence.

My life has pivoted in the best way since completing the PSYCH-K® workshop with Sharon in October. After doing PSYCH-K® it’s like the veil was lifted and this creativity is just flowing through me. After 20 years of sitting on my gift of photography, I studied it in college but never done anything with it as I was stuck in programming and all the limiting beliefs. I’ve set up a business in 3 weeks… 3 weeks after 20 years of programming! I simply listened to my intuition, kept taking the next right step and when I’d hit a block I’d do a PSYCH-K® Balance and move forward and in doing that the universe/ god/source has shown up to support, sending all the best people situations and ideas to support me.

As a direct result of PSYCH-K®  I can finally say I’m accessing my potential. I always knew it was there but I wasn’t accessing it fully. PSYCH-K® seems to clear all the cobwebs of limiting programming so that we can simply be who we came here to be.

I’ve also worked with PSYCH-K® with numerous clients in my psychotherapy practice and equally they’ve been coming back with beautiful results.

Sharon held the space so powerfully on our training weekend, with such wisdom and also ease, she navigated the entire training in such a way that vulnerability was encouraged and respected and also in a way that we had many laughs. We had a beautiful weekend.

I’d highly recommend PSYCH-K® to anyone who wants to empower themselves and move out of programming and into divine creation whatever that may be for each individual.

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